The enchanting island house with bright, lovingly furnished vacation apartments is located near the west head of the island, embedded in wild roses and dunes, not far from the beach promenade. Gesa Puls cares for the well-being of her guests.
Baltrums island galley and dune bar. Day & and evening restaurant with a colorful variety of food and drinks. Landlord Kai Schalkowski personally served at the bar and always has a cheerful saying ready for his guests.
Experience a 'little freedom' in a cosy smokers' and soccer pub on Baltrum: With tasty beverages in the interior and external area let end the vacation day and look thereby soccer, with Maureen Schalkowski.
Best fried potatoes of Baltrum. And many delicious meat and fish dishes and vegetarian food. The nimble Martina Gray reads each guest's wish from their eyes.
A truly historic island house has been transformed into a stylish café, where you can take a seat in venerable sofas, just like in grandma's parlor. And best of all, order East Frisian tea with East Frisian cake.
Away from the bustling western village, a little hidden in the pine forest of the island lies a small spa park, the Rose Garden, which is maintained by volunteers from Baltrum. It invites you to linger and to relax.
Rose Garden
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