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Hermann Groeneveld

Baltrum Photos

Black and White Photographs of the East Frisian island Baltrum

Hermann Groeneveld

  • Married, two adult children
  • Born 1956 in Ostfriesland (North Germany)
  • Grown up on a farm
  • Photography since 1968
  • Schooling till 1973
  • Working on a farm 1973 / 1974
  • Relocation from East Frisia to Bavaria
  • Technical job training 1974 – 1977
  • Lecturer for practical photography at the adult evening classes in Puchheim / Munich from 1981 to 1983; focus: landscape photography
  • Working in different jobs since 1977, at least as a Technical Writer since 1991
  • Working for different photo and artwork magazines as a editorial journalist (1982 – 2004)
  • Publication of different coffee-table books and photo art calendars with nature and carnival photos
  • Other hobbies and interests: Playing double bass, space travel, interplanetary research
  • Favourite dish: The meal my wife just cooks
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